This painting attempts the impossible - "try to show the what it feels like to have Shingles on your head and in your eye. I tried to use color to impart the area that was (as this writing, still is - nearly 10 months) involved in this episode of Shingles. The sensitivity of the skin is beyond description - perhaps the word "sensitivity" says it all. The wind hurts, when it blows the hair up and blows against the skin. The spontaneous shooting pains and the ever-present headache is also fun. The headache moves from the top to the neck and then to the back of the head. It is interesting that I got this case of Shingles,a few months after, I got the vaccine against Shingles. I know, waa-waa - quit whining and get on with your life. That is, in fact what you have to do. Or you could paint a painting and hope to get the same feeling as Frida Kahlo, without the surreal aspects of her paintings. This painting is also very much looser than my regular work. I have been trying to change, a little.
Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas Not yet framed. It has a black painted edge. Size: 8 inches x 12 inches Price: $800.00 (This price does not include applicable sales tax or shipping)