Eve's Apple
This painting came from a stop for coffee on Route 9 at a Stewart's convenience store. When I emerged with my coffee, I went to where I had parked and the light, coming from my left hi-lighted this poor bush that had once been plowed, nearly over by some snow removal equipment. At least that is an explanation that satisfies me as to why it is sidewise, with newer growth coming up straight within it. Even the stems tat are sidewise are still growing. Then, when I got home and looked closer at the photo I took with my phone, I saw a small half eaten apple thrown into the leaf litter. That was what made this a painting that I must do. My wife said I was crazy to pursue this image because of its' complexity. So that made it even more important to pursue this image. I saw the apple as, perhaps similar to the bible story of Eve and Adam tasting the fruit that was forbidden and then cast out of the garden. After they got expelled and their luck had changed time did not stop, they continued on until, over time, we became them. OK, I have trouble with that story but I will not go into that here. Just know that I respect the resilience exhibited in the thing we call Man (or Woman). So, now we jump to this scene, with the apple and the resilience of this simple bush and along I come with a phone in my camera. That is how we get to this painting - its' backstory.
Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas
3/4 inch black frame
Size: 21.5" x 30"
Price: $ 3,200.00 (Not including applicable sales tax and shipping)
Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas
3/4 inch black frame
Size: 21.5" x 30"
Price: $ 3,200.00 (Not including applicable sales tax and shipping)