I find it difficult to get excited about various vegetables. However, when a head turning shape or color shows itself I cannot look away. This eggplant caught my attention with some of the subtle changes in the color of the skin and its’ general pleasing shape. I do realize that the eggplant is a member of the night shade family and as such is a fruit or berry, if you will. I believe this eggplant to be considered a Brinjal with origins in the east and the Brits call them aubergine. I also realize that you probably don’t care, you’re like me…”it’s an eggplant!” - move on. This particular object had, as I said, has a very interesting color thing happening. I also got into the shape itself. It looks full and healthy. So, if you examine that, color and shape, you get the start of art. Color and shape is a big deal in art. I also realize that you might be a little at odds with the shadow color. I know I was for a while but I also know that it is the color that it was in real life. I tried to change the shadow a little but it didn’t work so I pushed it back to real. As you can probably tell, it is hard to say something profound about stuff that you’ve already eaten…on to the next object or place, keep painting. (That seemed a little profound.)
Medium: Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Not framed presently
Size: 19" x 27"
Price: $700.00 (Price does not include applicable sales tax or shipping)